Saturday, October 29, 2005

Wonderful Wedding

The wedding was as I expected, wonderful, in fact that goes nowhere near to describing it. It was definately the best wedding I've been to. Everything was perfect, the weather held up the setting was beautiful, the bride and groom looked amazing and everybody was in good chear and delighted for the couple.
Weddings can be a stressed and strained affair, this was not, everyone seemed relaxed, with some nervous excitement. Everyone was smiling and there was many a tear shed, including the registrar who actually lost her use of speach at one point, which goes to show what an emotional and overwhelmingly happy event it was.
The bride and groom then skipped down the isle hand in hand with big smiles on their faces.
The usual photo's and food followed. The people at my table were all lovely and we happily chatted away. Then the band struck up and being Jazz poeples the music was excellent, and had everyone up dancing for the rest of the evening. The disco that had been laid on was ignored as we boogied away like crazy people.
Alas no flirting for me as it was almost entirely couples but I had so much fun I didn't mind.
When they finally managed to kick us out of the castle we headed back to one of the places we were staying and continued to drink and chat into the small hours. And then I retired to my wonderful room and comfy bed to sleep, very contented and very happy for my friends and for the lovely people I had met.
I hope that I find that kind of happiness with someone who makes me as happy as they so obviously make each other. It is clear that they have found their soulmate, the person they are meant to be with, their perfect partner. I know that may sound a little soppy and romantic, and I know that life is not perfect but what they have is wonderful to witness.

1 comment:

Hobbit's Journal said...

All of my 16 weddings were fun, someone once commented 'That's Bigamy' - I retorted 'Its big of me too!'