Friday, March 31, 2006

Fingertip Heaven

I'm doomed!

I have now found a new "Toy" that I want!
And I really thought I was done with gadgets (for a while).
I've just got myself a great new handheld comp that I love and am still finding new and exciting things to do with it.
But the other day I had a go on the PSP and I am hooked!
I honestly thought that I wouldn't really like it (any of the handheld gaming consoles). What's wrong with me you say? What an idiot I am, I say!
I figured that the images wouldn't be that great for gaming and that it would be tricky to get the controls working well. How wrong I was.
It is wonderful, it feels great, looks great, the layout of controls works wonderfully (although my little hands have a slight difficulty with using the joystick and L button at the same time). The image quality is phenomenal, I'm crap at writing reviews so I'll just say that the PSP kicks ass, it is a thing of beauty and perfection. Oh, and I want one!
In my defense I hadn't really looked into them that much (partly to avoid wanting one). And now that I've had a go, I'm totally on board.
I will not be rushing out to get one however. They are still rather pricy, I have just spent a small fortune on my PDA and some stuff for the house and computer, and I already have loads of distractions that keep me from my work so I really shouldn't add to them.
So I will content myself with the use of this one for a week, but it' s gonna be a wrench giving it back!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Nautilus Unzipped

"Careful examination along the seam of a nautilus shell revealed a cunningly concealed zip"

By 2b2h
another talented

Friday, March 24, 2006

It's so fast...

So last night I finally got hooked up with Broadband-hoorah!
I am so happy, especially as for the last few weeks (since they upgraded the system!) my dial up has been running at 30k! Now it's 2.3m and I am a happy bunny indeed.
I can surf, chat and listen to the radio. I can do so many more things and at such speed, it's truly wonderful.
For those of your poor buggers out there still with dial-up (Jay), my thoughts are with you!
And for those of you who've had BB for ages take that smug, superior smile off your face!
The net is now designed for BB and without it there are many sites you can't visit or take full advantage of, and I can't wait to check out my list of "sites to see".
It does meen that I no longer have an excuse for not keeping up with my blog tho, hmm, better get surfing and thinking.

Dressed to inflate

Diana Eng

"Probably one of the most interesting people in fashion these days because she's pushing math and technology into fashion"

Thanks to Warren Ellis for this
Always keeping me abreast of weird and interesting news in the wwworld

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Translation needed

This is my friend Wabit’s “motto”

“Genius has it’s limitations Stupidity knows no bounds”

He would like a Latin translation for a coat of arms he plans to design (as all the best are in Latin), so if anyone can translate this then please do and post it as a comment (recognition will of course be given).

He claims originality for it, but if anyone has seen this used anywhere else please get in tough and let me know.

For those who think Newsnight's dull

“You see children, God is angry"

Among the usual serious items listed the last one was:

“Shock news, Chef leaving South Park

-This is the new that Isaac Hayes is leaving the cartoon
South Park because he objects to its "inappropriate ridicule" of religion.

What a shame, it just wont be the same

Friday, March 17, 2006

I finally did it...

"Out of the Dark"

The knife slipped silently out of the dark.
She felt the cold touch of metal against her neck, slim and razor sharp.
Then his breath from behind upon her skin...

Go to Tenebrous Tales for the rest


Ok, so I finally finished my short story and posted it in our Tenebrous Tales-Stories with a dark side

I can't believe I have been so nervous about doing this, especially as it's so short. I haven't written anything since school and then it was always part of the work and with guidence, never just out of my own head.
I worried that it would be rubbish, and I had no idea if I could write.
But after lots of persuasion (Thanks Cliff and Jay) I swallowed my fears and completed it.
So go check it out if you want and let me know what you think, if you want.
For those of you out there with similair fears-As Cliff would say "Just do it!".