One of my dearest friends is getting married, in a castle!!!(the one in the pic). How cool is that. I am so happy for him, he is a truly wonderful human being and his fiance is great and perfect for him. The moment I met her I knew she was the one. They are a such a good match and he so deserves happiness. It really restores my hope in love, life, happiness, the universe and meeting that special someone. As for me I am excited to be going and very happy. I get to see my good friend married, I get to dress up in a nice frock (I love getting all dressed up, in fact I tend to go overboard a little), have some fun, and I get to have a bit of a boogie. Many of them are muso's and party animals, so there could be some sore heads in the morning! I am however a little nervous, I'm going on my own, the only people I know are going to be fully involved in wedding stuff, so some awkwardness to deal with. I'm a very social person, but I have been out of circulation for a while, so my nerves are high. Also my health is not at it's best which makes things more difficult and means more preparation. I am however as prepared as I can be, and I am really looking forward to it. I'm also looking forward to seeing the odd old face and meeting some new ones, good people have good friends. And if I'm really lucky I might get to do some flirting!
I'll let you know how it goes.
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