Tuesday, February 21, 2006

New toy!

This is the Dell Axim X30
Or My New Toy!

The boots will have to wait.

I love my Palm pda but it is seriously outdated, more importantly I can't sync it with my laptop, so it's kinda useless.
I was lucky to get this for a knock down price and it is wonderful.

It has all the usual, plus integrated Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, a mic for recording voice notes, like a dictaphone, it's even got a media player!
And as it has an SD card slot I can add as much memory as I like, I can even have different cards for different things. For example, one with music, one with books, one with pictures and one with porn.
Portable porn is defiantely a plus side!
It also has GPS navigation, so I will never get lost.

It does have lots of other features, and as I can add software at any time it does loads.

Oh and I can personalise with my own themes and front page image

It's great!

I should add that although I call it a toy, I got it for very practical reasons. I used my old one every day and this will help my get more organised and do more.

Anyone looking for a pda can't go far wrong with this.

Oh and Cliff-I think this could give your new toy a run for its money!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Wish List

My Wishlist
Or "I wish" list

My birthday is approaching fast, too fast.
And it's the big three oh!

I'm not really freaked out by turning 30 or getting older, although I am annoyed that I can't have the big party I'd like, but circumstances and as I managed to lose a year of my life somehow instead of turning 29 this year with ages to organise a big bash, I'm turning 30 in just a few days.
And for once I decided to write a wish list, more for ideas and fun rather than actully expecting
to get these things.
And besides I've left it far too late
For those that don't know me and have no intention of getting me anything this will give you a glimpse into my world and my interests

So first

Proper Kick ass boots

New Rock Malicia

These will be my pressy to myself

I don't have to extol the virtues of the digital camera, it speaks for itself.
And I need one! Preferbly this one as it's compact and not too pricy.
And suprisingly it's from Tesco!


A few years ago it was pointed out to me that I had quite a collection of Tomb Raider figures as well as some other figurines and some cardboard cutouts. This is not something I planned, I was given one as a present and then another, before I knew it I looked like a complete Tomb Raider fetish, when in actual fact it's just a part time fetish!
Now I've decided to add to my figurines but want to keep the tradition going of getting them as presents, it makes sure I dont look too sad if someone else gets it!

Spike "Just Rewards"

Vampire Willow


Sad or silly perhaps, but I like them and I think their fun!

To enable easier Tequila quaffing

Petrol pump dispenser

and for Tequila on the move...

Hip flask kit

For gaming fun...

Oxford Monopoly

Or Simpsons Cluedo

I have always collected boxes and have wanted this one since I saw it 18yrs ago
It's the king of puzzle box's

Puzzle Box

I love kite flying and this is great for instant fun as it's so small you can take it everywhere and whip it out if the weather's right

Pocket Kite

Those that know me know that I love bubbles and this buble machine is cute and I have to put it together so it's double fun

Bubble Blower

Now how cute is he!
You plug him into your tune player and he dances for you, he also grows a personality depending on what music you play and how you treat him.
I'm intrigued to see how my influence effects it.

Ok and now I'm really into the realm of fantasy
I came across this the other day and fell instantly in love

What is it?
It's a mini portable projector keyboard!
Oh yeah baby

Ok back to reality
Other things I would like are: a new mug (normal size not giant) with some suitable design and colour.
And a wine glass with equaly suitable colour ie purple or deep red

Any pampering stuff is always appreciated
as will nice chocolate
Or red earings

Hope that helps or inspires those who are stuck for what to get

Monday, February 06, 2006

Read this...

Some of these thoughts have been playing in my head recently.

"I'm 32 years old. That means I missed reel-to-reel. I never owned an 8-track. But I remember vinyl. In this modern world of MP3s and iPods, there's something romantic about records...
...I was only 10 and I knew these things were older than me. They deserved respect. Reverence."

Read Powazek's full thoughts here

Ps. Damn I'm jealous of his setup!

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Stars eclipsing the Stars

What is the world comming to?
I was shocked to hear on newsnight that the London Planetarium is to close.
Especially as it is to make room for an extension of Madam Tousauds Clebrity show!

I'm lucky enough to live out in the sticks and so get to see the stars in all their glory, free from the orange glow of the cities.
I have always had a fascination and love of the night sky.

I remember as a child looking up and realizing how small and insignificant we are while at the same time are a part of an incredible and vast world. That every star is another sun like ours, many with orbiting planets, all coming together to form galaxy's and we are just one of thousands.
I also remember the feeling when, looking up at the milky way, I realised that I was looking out along the spiral of our own galaxy. It humbled me and inspired me.
How lucky we are that we have access to such knowledge.

So to hear that a wonderful beautiful and educational experience is about to be lost is awful, especially as so little is being said about it. Even the newsnight site had nothing listed about it, strange as they had said to go online and coment on it. The BBC did have a brief article, quoting Sir Patrick Moore as saying that it was "most regretable"-a prize goes to this as a major understatement, I doubt he was quite so reserved.
I found only one other mention here

So please, everyone, go out tonight and look up at the stars, see which constelations you can name, look for the milky way. And remember that just the other day a planet was found that could be very similair to ours.
Don't let us lose the Planetarium for us and future generations.
Especially not for more celebrity nonsense
Write in your blogs, write to the papers, the news and especially the governement. Don't let it slip away quietly, smothered by the lights of celebrity.
And if your in London get down to the Planetarium, you wont regret it.

I'm back...partially

I can not believe that it has been so long since my last post. What the hell happened?
Well I have been very busy, in fact pretty hectic.
Plus my computer was seriously under the weather.

I have so much to say and to comment on I don't know where to begin, or even wether to bother.
I think things to be neat and ordered.
For my writing to go in date order, but if I try to write up everything I want, in order I won't ever catch up with myself. And this is blocking me from writing.
So I've decided to just start writing again. This is just a quick hello and to let you know that there is plenty to come.
I will write about some of the more fun and interesting things that have happened, in my life and the world. so stay tuned.

There's my funtastic New Year filled with great company, tequila, flirting, corsets, laughter, psycho's and stalkers! And of course a little anxt.
There is definately a change in the air...
I've had Tow Miracles happen already this year, especially amazing as my life is usually filled with lots and lots of bad stuff.
Something lost has been found!
And something long buried is rising.
Oportunities abound
And I feel that fun is around the corner...

I hope that I can get back into some regular routines including keeping up to date with my blog. And some new technology in my life should help the situation.

Broadband is promised at the end of the month. I really hope it does get here, I can't stand dial up anymore, there's too much I want to do!

That's all for now folks