Monday, October 31, 2005

Nelson Mandela is a

"You know you are famous when you discover you have become a comic book character," Nelson Mandela joked at the launch of a comic series about his life"
BBC News in Pictures

Finding new ways to educate and inspire the next generation

Sunday, October 30, 2005

The Future is Flock?

Many of you may have already heard of this. I caught the news on Newsnight.
Internet browsing has already had a wonderful new lease of life with Firefox, I for one will never go back to Explorer. Now there is a new player in town, "Flock", set to radicalize the way we browse, and largely spurred on by blogging. The developers are creating an opensource (free) program that makes communicating, blogging and sharing with others much simpler.
I'm all for this for many reasons, one being that I love blogging with all it's potential and possibilities, I love being able to share my thoughts and interests with others, especially as some of my friends live so far away, and I love new technology! But what I really love about this is that it is cutting out the corporations, it's free and encourages people to share what they have, if we're really lucky it may destroy them all together (well I can dream). I feel it will also help bring people together, even if it's virtually, our society is getting scarily closed off.
It's still in the development stages and as my technical know-how is shamefully poor and have no back up system at the mo I can't risk it crashing my system, but I am itching to try it out.
For more info check out what the BBC said or what Flock say themselves
God bless the geeks for they shall inherit the earth

Saturday, October 29, 2005

So cute I just had to post this

"Beavers have been reintroduced to England, 500 years after they were hunted to extinction for their fur"

What a good idea and what a sweet creature. Although I'm sure it won't be too long till people are complaining of the damage they do, until then just enjoy the wonder that is the beaver.

Wonderful Wedding

The wedding was as I expected, wonderful, in fact that goes nowhere near to describing it. It was definately the best wedding I've been to. Everything was perfect, the weather held up the setting was beautiful, the bride and groom looked amazing and everybody was in good chear and delighted for the couple.
Weddings can be a stressed and strained affair, this was not, everyone seemed relaxed, with some nervous excitement. Everyone was smiling and there was many a tear shed, including the registrar who actually lost her use of speach at one point, which goes to show what an emotional and overwhelmingly happy event it was.
The bride and groom then skipped down the isle hand in hand with big smiles on their faces.
The usual photo's and food followed. The people at my table were all lovely and we happily chatted away. Then the band struck up and being Jazz poeples the music was excellent, and had everyone up dancing for the rest of the evening. The disco that had been laid on was ignored as we boogied away like crazy people.
Alas no flirting for me as it was almost entirely couples but I had so much fun I didn't mind.
When they finally managed to kick us out of the castle we headed back to one of the places we were staying and continued to drink and chat into the small hours. And then I retired to my wonderful room and comfy bed to sleep, very contented and very happy for my friends and for the lovely people I had met.
I hope that I find that kind of happiness with someone who makes me as happy as they so obviously make each other. It is clear that they have found their soulmate, the person they are meant to be with, their perfect partner. I know that may sound a little soppy and romantic, and I know that life is not perfect but what they have is wonderful to witness.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Tomorrow I'm actually getting out of the house, and to do something fun. Not just fun but wonderful.
One of my dearest friends is getting married, in a castle!!!(the one in the pic). How cool is that. I am so happy for him, he is a truly wonderful human being and his fiance is great and perfect for him. The moment I met her I knew she was the one. They are a such a good match and he so deserves happiness. It really restores my hope in love, life, happiness, the universe and meeting that special someone. As for me I am excited to be going and very happy. I get to see my good friend married, I get to dress up in a nice frock (I love getting all dressed up, in fact I tend to go overboard a little), have some fun, and I get to have a bit of a boogie. Many of them are muso's and party animals, so there could be some sore heads in the morning! I am however a little nervous, I'm going on my own, the only people I know are going to be fully involved in wedding stuff, so some awkwardness to deal with. I'm a very social person, but I have been out of circulation for a while, so my nerves are high. Also my health is not at it's best which makes things more difficult and means more preparation. I am however as prepared as I can be, and I am really looking forward to it. I'm also looking forward to seeing the odd old face and meeting some new ones, good people have good friends. And if I'm really lucky I might get to do some flirting!
I'll let you know how it goes.

Lesbian Porn on BBC2!!!

After being sucked into watching Jaws2 last night-much suspense, jumps and cornyness. When it finished, although I had to go to bed, I did the usual of flicking through the channels (why, when I know I have to go to bed!). The first channel showed two girls in a barn, and my immediate thought was "hmm lesbian setup", but figured it was my wishfull thinking, 30 secs later my thoughts were realised, I was right. What ensued was some major sofcore lesbian porn! Set in a reform school. How cliche but what more could you want? Well personally it would have been great if the whole film had been porn, but we can't always get what we want. The Big shock, was that it was on BBC2!! -Well done them. I was so suprised, I didn't think they would show something like that, more of a 5 thing.
I watched till the end, yes hoping for more nakedness, but alas. And then I realised how it managed to be on 2, it was based on a true story, and quite a good story by the looks of things. I actually wanted to watch the whole thing, as I had only got tha last 15mins.
If your really interested the films called Reform School Girl-even the titles porn esq.
Anyway thought I would share my suprise with you.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Prozac Placebo (+rant)

I have strong views about mental health, the mental health system and about treatment and attitudes. As you will be sure to see in my posts to come. For now I wanted to share this, I found it via the wonderful Qi site, and glad I am too. I have very strong views about anti-depressants. The fact that they are handed out like sweeties, with usually no other help or explanation/education or support offered. This is wrong and dangerous. Anti-d's are meant for the treatment of severe depression and only for short periods, to lift the person enough to enable them and their Dr or whoever to help them get better. Instead, if you go to your Dr complaining of feeling down and not sleeping, chances are you'll be given some anti-d's and sent home, and if it does not work, they'll usually just up the dosage! I even knew someone given it for acne!
Why is this? Because, as with all public services the government feels that the money to run them properly could be better spent on other things like war, and nice lunches! So Dr's have 5mins to deal with the patient, knowing that there are few, if any services that can help them. Counselling, therapy, support groups, holistic treatments etc that could help are in short supply. Even if you are very ill and really need help, you're unlikely to get the treatment you need. Also there has been an ever increasing shift away from people towards money and business. How many billions are made by the companies that make these drugs? And more importantly why is this not aonly allowed to happen but encouraged!?
I am not saying that they should be outlawed, as they do work for some poeple, in the right situation. What really needs to be done is firstly proper regulation of companies, it is well documented now that the company making Seroxat (Glaxo Smith Kline) knew for about 15 yrs that this drug caused increased suicidal tendancies! And they covered it up!
I could go on and on but I will save it for another day, and write a proper piece.
For now, I'd say, always check things out for yourself, don't take someones word for it especially just because they are a "proffesional"
There are many and varied ways to treat and help people, just offering support, love and a listening can in itself help hugely.

"Irving Kirsch, a psychologist at the University of Connecticut, believes that the effectiveness of Prozac and similar drugs may be attributed almost entirely to the placebo effect. He and Guy Sapirstein analyzed 19 clinical trials of antidepressants and concluded that the expectation of improvement, not adjustments in brain chemistry, accounted for 75 percent of the drugs' effectiveness (Kirsh 1998). "The critical factor," says Kirsch, "is our beliefs about what's going to happen to us. You don't have to rely on drugs to see profound transformation." In an earlier study, Sapirstein analyzed 39 studies, done between 1974 and 1995, of depressed patients treated with drugs, psychotherapy, or a combination of both. He found that 50 percent of the drug effect is due to the placebo response."

"A person's beliefs and hopes about a treatment, combined with their suggestibility, may have a significant biochemical effect. Sensory experience and thoughts can affect neurochemistry. The body's neurochemical system affects and is affected by other biochemical systems, including the hormonal and immune systems. Thus, it is consistent with current knowledge that a person's hopeful attitude and beliefs may be very important to their physical well-being and recovery from injury or illness."

Here's To The Crazy Ones

Here’s to the crazy ones.

The misfits.

The rebels.

The troublemakers.

The round pegs in the square holes.

The ones who see things differently.

They’re not fond of rules.

And they have no respect for the status quo.

You can praise them, disagree with them, quote them,

disbelieve them, glorify or vilify them.

About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them.

Because they change things.

They invent. They imagine. They heal.

They explore. They create. They inspire.

They push the human race forward.

Maybe they have to be crazy.

How else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art?
Or sit in silence and hear a song that’s never been written?
Or gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels?

While some see them as the crazy ones,

We see genius

Because the people who are crazy enough to think
they can change the world, are the ones who do.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Debt Trap

A little something from anxiety culture
"Debt is disguised Poverty"
"The average dept per Uk household is around £7000, excluding mortgages. Politicians want us to believe this is due to irresposible spendthrifts abusing easy credit, but according to recent research at least one in five people in Britain resorts to debt to cover basic living costs.
Of course some people do use credit to fund "greedy" lifestyles, but overall spiralling debt has more to do with Britain's low-wage culture and high poverty level.
One in five UK households lives on a poverty-level income.
Wages at the lower end of the market are less now in real terms, than in the 1970's.
While banks and credit compnies make record profits from criminally misleading promotions, they're quick to lecture us on "responsibility". It's no coincidence that record bank profits are announced at the same time as record household debt.
Debt functions as a social control mechanism, making us anything but "free". You can't afford to be choosy about jobs when you're in debt. The people that run the economy see this as a good thing."
For the full article, and more go here

I'm on a roll...a blog roll!

Thanks, yet again to my dear friend Cliff I am becoming an accomplished blogger, understanding html and everything! I can put links in my posts and move bits around
I'm very pleased
Its so nice when you achieve or accomplish something
And now of course I have more ideas and more things I want to do and to add!!!

And for those of you who can't read this too clearly (Cliff!) cos of the colour...sorry but, tuff! I like it, so if you want to read it you'll have to highlight it.

What Are You Really Putting On Your Body?

Thanks to "Romoblog" for this.

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has created a safety report on the numerous substances we use for body care. The site allows the visitor to search through numerous brands and find out what poisons they are using on their bodies. It’s fascinating and (not just mildly) frightening. EWG Report: Skin Deep

Check it out, it's pretty scary. I checked my "friendly and sensitive" face scrub to find that it is full of scary stuff. I try to be very environmentally friendly, cruelty free and kind to my body. Guess I'll have to rethink my shopping list. Thankfully the site does list the healthier options.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Deviant Artists (Enayla)

It's tuesday so it's time to introduce another artist.
This is by Enayla, it took a while to choose a picture as there are so many I like, but in the end I went for this, after all it is seasonal.
Her work is stunning. A few of the pictures may be a little dark for some people, but you can't ignore the talent. And her androgynous subjects are gorgeous.
I am a big fan, especially of "Into Your Eyes", "Do Not Whiser Into The Wind", "Jeirehneen", "Estranged", Telynohn" and "The Hunt Begins"
For the full effect you need to see these full size, to see all the detail.
I hope you like.
Click on the picture to take you to her site, then check out her gallery

Monday, October 17, 2005

Anxiety Culture

I've jsut added a link to the Anxiety Culture website.
My friend The Invisible Man introduced me to it and I love it.
It is...(to quote from them)
"A web magazine with a wealth of ideas & gimmicks for navigating the crazy, paraniod, work obsessed, media crapulent times we live in.
We have a vast, intoxicating mixture of outsider psychology, anti-establishment rants, spoof ads, philosophy, DIY propaganda, subversive graphics, anti-work viewpoints, cartoons, jokes, usefull facts and underground news".
This does not do it justice.
There is a vast amount of useful, interesting and funny stuff on this site and recomend several visits to take it in. Go to the contents page and you are sure to find something that sparks your interest.
The anti-work items are genius and the truth behind the politics and media can be shocking.
I hope it encourages people to think more and perhaps help change things for the better.

Quote of the Week - Something to ponder

Our relationship with ourselves is the most important relationship we need to maintain.
The quality of that relationship will determin the qaulity of our other relationships.
And when we have learned to stand on our two feet, we are ready to stand next to someone.

Saturday, October 15, 2005


Yesterday I finally posted something a little more personal. Although some of it I had written the night before, when I sat down to write it bits were added as I wrote, not planned, they just flowed out. I was only slightly aware at the time and pleased with what I had written.
Later (while sat on the loo. Why is it that so many good ideas come to you while on the loo?) I had a realisation, I was thinking about my post and feeling those panicky worried automatic thoughts rising, and realised that I felt guilty. Then it came to me...I felt like I should be apologising. And that's exactly what holds me back all that learnt behaviour, much of it I am aware of (as I have spent years trying to understand it and fix the problems), but it's great when a new realisation occurs.
The important point to this is that I have tried "free writing" before and found it difficult, however some of last nights post was free written, even though I did not realise it at the time, and in doing so it triggered things in my mind that allow me insight and a better understanding.
So finally I get a great understanding of the (possibly not so obvious) benefits of free writing.
I'll definately keep at it.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Emotional Times

I've wanted to post some more personal and emotional stuff but have been struggling, either through fear or insecurity or writers block.
My friend Cliff has encouraged me and reading Serendipity's blog and the Hobbit's has also encouraged me-I really admire her openness.
And this week seems to be full of emotional outpouring especially in blogs.
My writers block has been hindering me but I managed to put some thought to paper so here it is.
I am... I can't put it into words.
One thing I have learnt recently is that I can not express my true feelings clearly. Only in a very basic way eg. Sad Happy Angry, but not in detail, not clearly and not how I want. Even if it's just trying to express it for myself, so that I have a better understanding and/or can do something about it if necesary. I knew that I found it difficult expressing my feelings, but hadn't realised that I'd almost lost the ability entirely. That's what years of not being able to will do.
It's especially annoying as I'm usually known for being articulate.
In the past it was made very clear that I should really keep my feelings to myself especially the bad stuff. Either the adults in my life did not want to know or would question or disagree with what I said, or ignore me, or worse, lie to me. And I'm talking about dealing with serious feelings and issues, not trivial stuff.
Families really can F**** you up!
So I grew up feeling guilty for feeling bad and had no real concept of feeling good or what would make me feel good. And my family, other supposedly caring adults and the odd partner made sure that I stayed that way. It is only now that I have seperated myself from my family and other bad influences that I can finally hear the truth, and stop being scared.
Now I know that they were the weak ones, not me, they could not face or deal with difficult things, especially when they were responsible. And the only reason they said that I was the weak one was to cover up their frailties and keep me questioning myself, allowing them to get away with some awful behaviour.
I've come to believe that emotional abuse is worse than physical abuse. At least with open violence you can see it, as can others, it's easier in a way to do something about it (although far too often nothing is done). Also bruises and cuts heal themselves, it's far harder to heal emotional scars. However with emotional abuse firstly it can go on without you realising it, and it can be harder to prove and usually nothing is done about it, it is left for the victim to pick up the peices, often alone, with no justice. The emotional abuse is often the prerequisite for the physical stuff, you have to beat down a persons confidence and self esteem, self worth before you can get away with assaulting them.
It's so important to surround yourself with decent, honest caring people. I am very lucky in that I have some trully wonderful friends who have not only helped me through the hard times but on occasion saved my life.
Opening yourself up is scary, especially the personal and emotional stuff. You're vulnerable, vulnerable to being taken advantage of. When I read other peoples emotional outpourings I am pleased that they shared it and impressed with their strength and honesty, and anyone who is negative or tries to take advantage is just weak and pathetic, so I guess I should shut up and get on with it!
Cliff sais to just write, just put it out there, I know he's right, but puting it into practice is hard.
Actually just righting this is helping, I'm pursueding myself! There's progress!
Maybe I'll open the flood gates. I kinda hope so. As much as I want to just blurt it all out, expunge all that bad stuff that still tortures and poisens my mind, I get blocked, stuck, mute!
But this is definately a start.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Deviant Artists (Kakbarnf)

This is both Art and Entertainment
This game looks simple but looks can be decieving, it's a lot trickier and is totally addictive. I highly recomend you have a go, it's a great way to waste some time. And if you finish it you can try out Hapland 2. Or check out his other games and his "Foon" site
I had to have hints to finish it. So if you find yourself stuck then drop me a line and I'll let you know. Although the satisfaction of working it out yourself is great.
Click on the pic above for the game

Monday, October 10, 2005

Quote of the Week

You're never really done for if you've got a good story and someone to tell it to

Tim Roth from The Film 1900

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Brings back memories

There are thousands of compilation cd's brought out and when I hear the adds there's usually only one or two tracks I like, and seeing as they usually advertise it with the best tracks and the rest of the album usually turns out to be crap I never buy them.
This however is different. Every tune they played I love, and do indeed remember them from my youth. And reading the track list this is a must get.
It includes such greats as: The Charlatans - The Only One I Know, The Wonder Stuff - The Size Of A Cow, Deee-Lite - Groove Is In The Heart, The La's - There She Goes, James - Sit Down, Transvision Vamp - Baby I Don't Care, Manic Street Preachers - Motorcycle Emptiness, Spin Doctors - Two Princes, They Might Be Giants - Birdhouse In Your Soul.
And great timing as I've been thinking of putting together a "Tracks of my Youth" Cd
Reminds me of good time in Oxford, I'm sure you'll agree Cliff.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Real Amazons

Last night I watched Ch4's Sexology (Yes I know I watch a lot of telly)
This show was about Giantesophilia, that's a fetish for Very tall ladies or Amazons.
This series just makes me think: Arn't people amazing, and varied and weird!
And thank god for the internet. Where would all these perves be without it? (Where would I be without it!) What would they be doing?
And does the internet help by offering an outlet for peoples fantasies and kinks or does it encourage more extreme bahaviour?
So for those of you out there with a thing for Amazonians who missed the show here's the cover of the Gullivera comic. Unfortunately I could not find the image of her tied down and semi-naked, this will have to do.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Would you do it with a Doll?

Last night I watched Ch4's Sexology: Obscene Machines
Now I consider myself very open minded when it comes to sex but this creeped me out.
First they had the "Fucking Machines", and to my mind No amount of imagination is going to make them sexy, in fact quite the opposite. If a partner brought one of those out, after the initial shock and rolling around on the floor laughing, I would get my coat and get out of there!
Then came the Dolls! These are meant to be lifelike, "Real" dolls. A giant step up from the inflatable versions yes, but still deeply disturbing, and with a price tag that puts them out of the reach of most.
I personally have always found the idea of "sex dolls" a little disturbing they are creepy and wrong, and should only be used for comic purposes. They make me think of stag nights and lonely pervs who can't get a real date. So I wanted to ask what you think of them, has anyone ever bought one, and why? Or maybe you know someone who has. And if so was it the cheap blow up type or did you/they spend some money? I'm curious.
Back to the programme
The most disturbing part of course was the people that had the dolls. There was a couple who now have four, and they put them into positions, photograph them and put them on the net! There was a certain sadness about them, although they were very open and happy about their toys or "ladies", the glazed look in the woman's eyes was not happy and healthy, I think she could do with some real friends.
Then there's the stereotypical lonely old man perv. He's in his 70's and he has a doll that he dresses up as a school girl! This guy was "car crash tv", as disturbing as he was you just couldn't help watching. He went on to show exactly how he had sex with her! It was the strangest thing I've seen in a long while, he was quite clinical about it, but also said that he loved her! I had to turn away several times. His best line, that had me crying with laughter was "this is the position I call stroking my balls" You couldn't make it up, he then revealed a less than healthy attitude to women "they all have an agenda", should he be locked up? Quite possibly.
The final words were from another pretty scary lady with very squiffy eyes, and thankfully it was indeed healthy. That "a doll or machine will never match up to the real thing" not just for the obvious but because "we all like giving pleasure and seeing the happy response in a real human being"
Must see tv.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Deviant Artists (Neizen)

This is a wonderful picture by a young man who goes by the Deviant name of Neizen
I was so struck by this image and then by his youth (only 18 at the time)
It was this picture that first led me into the wonderful world of DeviantArt. I am continually amazed at the quality of work produced and that many of the artists are so young and so talented, bastards! I'm not at all jelous...honest!
I recomend you take a look and have a browse, you are sure to find something that you like.
To view Neizens gallery use this address
some are a bit dark but you can't knock the talent. I like the old man.
Follow the deviantart link on the right
I aim to introduce an artist a week

Monday, October 03, 2005

"God Officially Fucks Up World"

Research shows that society is worse off for beleiving in God

"RELIGIOUS belief can cause damage to a society, contributing towards high murder rates, abortion, sexual promiscuity and suicide, according to research published today."
“In general, higher rates of belief in and worship of a creator correlate with higher rates of homicide, juvenile and early adult mortality, STD infection rates, teen pregnancy and abortion in the prosperous democracies."

Well we knew that already but it's nice to finally get some solid backing behind it

And ofcourse it's the US leading the way

Thanks to Warren Ellis for this gem

Please follow link to his site for details

Rebranding gone mad

"Last week, bloggers reeled over reports that the 'Global War Against Terror' (GWAT) was to be rebranded the 'Global Struggle Against Violent Extremism' (GSAVE). That, at least, was what Donald Rumsfeld and others had been telling people."

This really is one of the silliest things I've heard in a while!
Is rebranding really going to fool the American populace? Probably.
Unfortunately it seems that far too many people have serious short term memory problems. It wasn't so long ago that we found out that-yes, we had basically been lied to about the reasons for war (although the real reasons ie. Oil and Money were never really discussed openly, no suprise there), and yet Labour still managed to get elected for another term! What's wrong with people, don't you see what's happening?
This rebranding is just another sick way of covering up and trying to fool the masses.
I for one say enough, it's about time people were held to account

Cocaine at Conference?

I recently heard rumours of cocaine use being found at the Labour conference
Traces were found in the delegate toilets
You would have thought that if this is true then there would be a huge deal made out of it by everyone, especially after the hullaballoo that was made over the Kate Moss allegations, and she's a model who's going out with a known junkie!...but no not a peap.
I decided to google it to get the info myself. I was suprised to see that there were only really three listings, one I could not read, one that mentioned it breifly near the end. Only one site actually reported it, and it was not a UK site it was a Gulf site
So what are we to make of this? Is the story actually true? And if it is why was it not reported? Surely it could not be covered up, as much as Labour would like it to be. So I have contacted Ch4's News Fact checker to see if they could clear up the issue (they had nothing on the story at all)
I will post any replies or info I get.

Sunday, October 02, 2005


It never ceases to amaze me how quickly feelings and emotions can change. Just one piece of good or bad news can send you rocketing in one emotional direction or another, sometimes totally unexpectedly. At other times you can just wake up feeling crappy. Like I did yesterday. I had had some bad news but still… I just could not shift that nagging dragging dull feeling. I felt insecure and lacking in confidence. I was even scared to post - “what will people think?”, I even worried about it when trying to get to sleep, not in a big way, just kept quietly nagging at me.

I had been expecting guests this weekend but due to a bout of flu on my part I had to cancel it. So instead of fun and frolics I had quiet and solitary weekend. Looking at this rationally it is easy to see why I was feeling blue but it still annoys me that my feelings can be so out of my control. No matter what I did to cheer myself up. And how that can lead me to doubt and question myself, even for something a silly as a blog post.

And now here I am writing something very personal, and just putting it out there.
I am not going to let my past and my pressures dictate my future.
I am me. A complicated but good person, with a lot to give and to share, despite my own self doubts. So I am going to continue to take Cliffy's advice to stop worrying and just write.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

What's to come...?

I thought I would give an idea of what things I might be blogging here, a little tricky as I'm not too sure myself
There will be plenty of Rants, on varying topics plus my opinions, discussions & comments on Life, The World, Politics, Art, Theatre, Health including Holistic, ME & Mental health, and some personal stuff. Plus a few odd things & sites I come across, & some erotica
Just some of the things that make up me
Hopefully this will be interesting, informative & a little entertaining
And should serve as a little catharsis for me