Monday, October 03, 2005

Cocaine at Conference?

I recently heard rumours of cocaine use being found at the Labour conference
Traces were found in the delegate toilets
You would have thought that if this is true then there would be a huge deal made out of it by everyone, especially after the hullaballoo that was made over the Kate Moss allegations, and she's a model who's going out with a known junkie!...but no not a peap.
I decided to google it to get the info myself. I was suprised to see that there were only really three listings, one I could not read, one that mentioned it breifly near the end. Only one site actually reported it, and it was not a UK site it was a Gulf site
So what are we to make of this? Is the story actually true? And if it is why was it not reported? Surely it could not be covered up, as much as Labour would like it to be. So I have contacted Ch4's News Fact checker to see if they could clear up the issue (they had nothing on the story at all)
I will post any replies or info I get.

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