Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Greg Laswell - Your ghost NEW SONG

This was the song I originally sought
Somewhat maudlin, but beatuiful
Beautifully haunting
and somehow comforting


You know...I think I could go for being a "Doll" for a while...

You know...I think I could go for being a "Doll" for a while...
If it wasn't for the pervy clients and hideous corporate greed of the company running things

I worship the WhedonVerse and although Dollhouse is not my favourite work of his (Firefly obviously!), it is clever, interesting and certainly brings up many, often awkward, ideas. 
And many ideas Joss was unable to pursue due to he networks control-Boo!
I recommend watching it through the two seasons, it gets really good at the end.

I came across this just now while searching for another song on the show.

Dollhouse Music Video with Jonatha Brooke


What skills would you want...?