Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Winter Warmth with Style

I'm finally getting my own Uggs to keep my tootsies warm this winter
And they are so needed!
I can not recomend these products enough. They are fantastic and incredibly well made.
They come in all shapes, sizes and colours.
The colours and textures can not be appreciated here, but they are wonderful and luxurious.
What's more they will last you a lifetime.
This very talented lady makes boots, scarves, hats and bags, as well as kids stuff
So treat yourself or a friend
Follow the link...

Friday, November 25, 2005

The Subliminal Reassurances of Procedural Dramas

Just read this and it tickled my funny bone. I love some of these programs, but this is genious

The Subliminal Reassurances of Procedural Dramas
From Powazek
JUST A THOUGHT FROM 24 November 2005

Bones - Don't worry, if you get killed and all that's left of you are your bones, a brilliant but socially awkward woman and a vampire with a soul will solve the crime using a combination of 3D imaging and sexual tension.

Cold Case - Don't worry, if you died a long time ago, a malnourished woman in blue light will catch the bad guy through the power of flashbacks.

Criminal Minds - Don't worry, if you're killed by a serial killer, a team of oddballs led by a brilliant but broken man will catch him with a combination of psychology, visual effects, and Bartlett's Quotations. With guest appearances by the cocky agent guy, the computer-bound nerd girl, and so-smart-he's-practically-autistic kid.

Follow the link above for the rest...


I awoke this morning to blinding white light flowing through my curtains
looking out the window, all my view was white
Snow covered everything

Today I awoke to find that winter is trully here.
Several inches of snow covered the fields and trees, it was beautiful.
Not quite the pic above, although it may have been early this morning while I was still sleeping.
Unfortunately as I do not have a digi-cam (yet!) I had to borow a deviant pic, but you get the idea.
Winter how I like it
Blue skies and pure white snow covering the world

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Very Talented Boys Indeed


The 8th instalment in the ongoing adventure of everyone’s favourite drunk bunny has arrived. Featuring more ACTION, more GIGGLES and more DANGER than ever before! Fikov, Chester and Reggy are on trial for a crime they DID commit while Malcolm, Pygmy, and Bright Eyes discover there are worse things in Nodsuf than not being able to find a bar!
Once more the glorious techni-black-and-white-and-colour® pages produced by our resident scribbler have been wowing reviewers across the globe. had this to say:
"Lawrence Etherington’s colour work is astoundingly good…a level of detail comparable to guys like Geoff Darrow (‘The Matrix’ trilogy concept artist/Shaolin Cowboy) but with a slightly cartoonier look that really suits the book…"

Come see for yourself with our trusty ‘try before you buy’ preview section over at StudioBlinkTwice...for a 4-page preview of the issue and previous titles, and to order your copy today!

Saturday 19th –20th November (this Saturday!) marks the start of a new date for the comic calendar as the first Brighton Comic Expo kicks off in style. 100’s of special guests, publishers and independent creators will be on hand to demonstrate why comics are so much fun.
The Blink Boys will be there in force.
Bob is currently priming himself to chat away about our current titles, upcoming projects and everything comic-related. Lorenzo will be discussing the art of Blink Twice and sketching mountains of limited edition pencil/pen or ink treats for those lucky folks at the show.
Mark will be showcasing the latest demo version of the Malcolm Magic Computer Game.

Monday, November 14, 2005

I made it

Well I made it to London. Yes I'm actually here in da big smoke.
My trips are usually fraught with some anxiety, but for some inexplicable reason I was pretty calm and I really enjoyed the journey.
So many people, so close together, but each in their own worlds. Eyes occasionally flicking up at some movement in the isle. Occasional nervous smiles and looks. Some blank and staring, some sneakily reading other's papers.
Images and memories come to me out of the dark. Fields, trees, buildings, lights. Childhood train rides, to and from homes.
The fields and trees gradually being replaced by buildings and roads. The green spaces lessen as London approaches. The quiet calm of home turning to the hussle and bussle of so many people going about thier lives.
I never liked growing up here . It was too polluted, too noisy and far too many people. Plus there was not nearly enough greenery for my liking.
It still is all those things, but now that I'm a just a visitor I'm able to focus on the more pleasant and fun aspects.
And for the first time I have not felt any negativity. Like seeing it with fresh eyes.
The sensations felt new but somehow familiar. Comfortable, pleasant, exciting.
As I'm writing this I'm sat in my friend F's house listening to him playing the guitar and singing, it's lovely. I so miss hearing people play, there's something very special about it, tranquil, calm, yet uplifling.
A late night drinking and smoking has left us spaced out but content.
So now, as I have friends to see and fun to be had, I'm going off to plan out my week.
And not only do I not have to cook my supper tonight I'm going to a lovely pub only five minutes away! Hoorah for London convenience!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Deviant Artists (Blackeri)

Yet another stunning peice of work by a young Deviant.
Blackeri (Marta Dahlig) is only 20 and is from Poland.
It never ceases to amaze me the talents of people, especially such young ones.
She's about halfway through her "Seven Deadly Sins" project and each work is excellent, great idea, beautiful and expertely done. I especially like the Ivy frame.
I think this took her about 60 hrs. Now that's dedication.
I'm a little too impatient, plus I have a short attention span!
I hope you like this and will check out her other work.

Monday, November 07, 2005

I also...

This weekend I also got to see three great films:

The Chronicles of Riddick

I really liked Pitch Black, the idea, the cinematography and Riddick's anti-hero/hero character. So I looked forward to The Chronicles, although some had said it was not so good, oh how wrong they were.
I am crap at writing reviews, and so this is not one!
I loved the ideas, themes, comic book esq feeling, interesting characters and amazing scenery.
The idea of a race forcing their beliefs on others, the awesome ships with iconic designs, so they can sweep down on a planet and take it over in no time, leaving no question as to who the people should be bowing down to. The casting, the acting, the stunts, all great.
And of course the lovely and feisty Alexa Davalos
(who played and equally feisty and beautiful woman in Angel, I thought she seemed familiar)
And Vin's pretty cool too.
I should shut up now, cos I'm not making the kind of sense I would like to.
Suffice it to say this is a good film and more than that a great and suprising DVD, great extras and a suprise or two!
I look forward to further Chronicles

Terminator 3 Rise of the Machines

What a great intro...A stunning woman, walking through the streets, nekid! And what a woman (although I have to say that I preferred her with the long wavy hair than the tight look, she reminded me too much of an ex Eastender).
Unfortunately I was distracted from the film by a phone call, but a happy distraction.
I don't really need to say much about this film, Terminator kicks ass!

New Port South

I was about to go to bed, but was delayed slightly by something that slips my mind right now, and glad I was to or I would have missed this. It did mean a late night but was worth it.
What hooked me in was when they said about a boy who had escaped from a mental hospital and was then freeing other patients from other institutions.
I thoroughly enjoyed the first half of the film. I thought the script was great as was the idea-a disenchanted student decides to make a statement and a difference to a school he believes is another form of institution or asylum. No big names (nice change), but some good acting.
Unfortunately the film lacked "meat" it felt a little slow and wishy washy at times, and about three quarters through dropped into an abyss of unnecessary predictability, sell-out, weakness and stolen ideas.
I still enjoyed it, although the end was seriously disappointing, instead of fighting the system and making a difference, he lost the plot and his plans fizzled out (as did the film), and so no lessons were learnt by anyone, the teachers got away with it, and the kid probably got sent to the asylum.
On a plus this is the first film I've seen that harks back to those great 80's teen films like The Breakfast Club and Heathers. We need more of that sort of thing, and more integrity in films.
I don't know if the writer planned the film to go this way or was pushed to change it, but I would like to see what else he has written (and perhaps ask him to redo the film with a better ending!)
Ok, just checked out his bio and all becomes clear. James Hughes the writer and producer is the son of the famous John Hughes who brought us the wonderful Breakfast Club, as well as other 80's greats such as Ferris Buellers Day Off, Pretty in Pink and weird Science!
So what went wrong?

On reflection...

It was probably for the best that I stayed home this weekend.
As much as I would have loved to go out and have some fun, I have had a lot to do.
So I was able to catch up with some work and some fun stuff too.
Spent ages on the net and wrote over 2000 words in total for different things (blog, mail, research,& general writing)
And most importantly I need to conserve my energies for my trip to London next week.
It's meant to be a break, but my diary is already filling up! So much to do, so many people to see.
Have to find a healthy but fun balance...hmm, easier said than done.
It's meant to be a quiet gettaway but that's tricky in a busy metropolis like London.
I'm kinda doing things the wrong way round, I live in a very quiet spot, and am going to a city for a gettaway...go figure.
And there really is so much to do in London. It's been several years since I've been and there is a lot I'm looking forward to. Apart from the obvious of seeing some of my friends, I'm mainly looking forward to going to a coffee shop for a nice Latte, and being able to order takeaways!
Sad or strange it may seem, but when you've been living in the sticks with the nearest shop (and not a very good one) six miles away, little things come to mean a great deal!
There is of course all the other lovely things London has to offer like galleries and theatre's and a decent nightlife!
It will also be strange to be around so many people, cars, buildings and noise! Although I spent a long time living in London it was a long time ago and I have been living a very hermetic lifestyle (not by choice) recently.
I'm used to, and love greenery, serenity and wildlife...things in short supply in London.
That's why London for me is great to visit but not to live.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Quite Interesting

I Love this program so much. It has me crying with laughter every time.
It is also the perfect platform for Mr Fry.
It's entertaining and educational.

These are some of the bits I found interesting:
Did you know that during WW2 (I think) "We" were using radar to shoot down German planes. So as not to tip them off and to seem more impressive, how it was really done was kept a secret. The government then hit on a great idea to get kids eating more vedge (hang on, aren't they still doing that ?!), said that carrots helped you see in the dark. Now we all know this and were probably told it by our parents. It is however a complete fallacy! Totally made up. Just another load of Bunkum the government fed us (no pun intended) to get us to do what they felt we should. Now I believe that eating vedge is a good thing but lying is no way to achieve anything.
(Even tho that seems to be exactly what the government are doing, and getting away with it!)
For more interesting Qi carrots facts and fiction go here
There are more molecules in a glass of water than there are grains of sand on the entire planet!
"The Laughing Cavalier was on cannabis"
Well the canvas it was painted on was made of hemp. And the word canvas comes from the Greek meaning cannabis.
For more Qi cannabis related interest go here
How many senses do we have? -Five with that elusive sixth sense.
We do in fact have about twenty one
These include things like feeling heat, position of arms and legs, fullness of bladder, feeling heat and pain. Sense of balance.
Wikipedia sais
Qi chat sais

Has to heard to be believed!

(Looking for a pic to post with this, I was going to go for the obvious "His Marsters Voice", then found this "updated version" very fitting for pet-net-radio I thought, and kinda cute)

Only in America - thank god
I saw this on some tv program last night and had to check to see if it was true, and yes it was.
A radio station for pets, yes I said a radion station for pets!
Being a pet owner myself, and some of you may agree, that you can't really knock the idea...Ok so, yes you can. But leaving your pets, especially dogs alone at home all day is not so great for them, they can get lonely. Many a time I've returned home to find chaos.
So this lady in America decides that she will set up a station especially for pets, to keep them company while their owner/houseguest is at work-aahh. Bonkers!
Having only piss poor dial-up I was not treated to the delights of the show, maybe someone out there who's bored enough will have a listen and let me know what it's like.
With 556793 hits on the webpage maybe it's more popular than you'd first think, or it could just be the freak factor.
I guess if this lady is happy to spend her time and money on this, then good on her.
Crazy or genius? You decide (although you probably don't care!)

Weekend plans scrapped.

Yesterday I was looking forward to a weekend of fireworks, films and fornication! Unfortunately unforseen circumstances meant that these plans had to be scrapped-boo hoo
I love fireworks (I'm a real kid about it), was really looking forward to watching Sin City and of course finally getting some satisfaction with the "oh so lovely".
So instead of fun, friends and frolicks, I have quiet, solitary contemplation!-poo
So what's a girl to do? Luckily I am used to amusing myself (insert obvious joke here. You know who I'm talking to-Shep!) and "thinking positively" so what's on offer?
There's housework!-woo hoo (that's meant to be sarcastic, not sure how to "write" sarcasm, but I'm sure you got it) (My room is a mess of clothes everywhere from my manic packing thinking I was going away). I really need to do some cooking for the week ahead. Also some planning for a meeting. But that's all boring stuff and it is the weekend.
Then of course there's the net -thank god, what would I do without it?. So I guess that's me set! I can write up some blog stuff, do some research, play with pretty pictures, chat to some friends, and generally mooch around. A semi- contructive way to waste/occupy the afternoon.
Would I rather be invloved in some naked debauchery-hell yes, but alas my forced frustration continues. I do worry at times, I find myself getting either obsesed with sex, thinking about it all the time or not thinking about it at all. And my "interest" in Spike aka James Marsters is getting a little out of control! Need to release some of that pent up energy!
I have found some fun to be had on the net tho. The latest issue of Scarlet is packed full of kinky naughtiness and some interesting looking sites that I'll be checking out later (I came across this gem of a mag by accident, and now am a happy subscriber, well I needed something to balance out reading New Internationlist and Mental Health mags). It's unashamedly open about womens sex life's and how to get the most out of them-hoorah, about time. If I can't get my rocks of in real life then I'll have to settle for the virtual world...Oh dear!
I'm also going to try and catch up with some writing and reading.
I love where I live, being far out in the sticks. However not being able to drive at the mo means that I am stuck here, no choice. No nipping out to the shops, no take-aways, no popping down the pub. So it's lucky I like it here. And in this weather it's not so bad, with the rain and wind outside I'm quite happy to curl up infront of a log fire with a good book and my cats-mmm very cosy.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

One person does make a difference

In rememberance and respect of
Rosa Parks

"On 1 December 1955 in Montgomery, Alabama, a quiet and dignified 42-year-old black seamstress refused to give up her seat to a white passenger. Her arrest led to a 381-day boycott of the city's bus system, led by Martin Luther King, which is now considered the beginning of the American civil rights movement"

She died in her sleep at her home in Detroit, Michigan on ture 25t oct at the age of 92

One woman started a movement that changed the world
It is
one person that starts or makes the most significant changes in our world
We are each one person
What do you want to change?

Oops indeed!



Filed under: — warrenellis @ 8:26 pm

Obvious lunatic asks internet forum for information about ammunition. Internet forum tells obvious lunatic what ammo to buy and where. Obvious lunatic dresses as a cross between Jason Voorhees and Batman, goes on shooting spree, kills two people, then himself.


DrakeriderCa wrote-"We can't blame ourselves. Think of how many times things like this have happened harmlessly in this forum, or others we've all been in. We've been conditioned to deal with gimmicks and dumb shits. We did our job. He asked for advice, we gave it. When he turned gimmick, we made fun of him. When it appeared he was dangerous, we cut him off. I can't see anything wrong with that. Shame about people dying though."

I read through some of the posts and was confused at first then shocked to see such open gun-ho-ness. Especially one guy saying that "anti-gun law encouraged gun crime"!
I'm so glad I live in England.


I've had a strange life
Filled with so much pain
Constantly moving, changing
But also filled with amazing moments
I've been so close so many times
I've experienced wonderful things
Touched amazing souls
I've witnessed my potential, but not yet acheived it
I strive ever for the good
And I can't wait to see what the future has in store

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Deviant Artists (Wishmistress)

Wishmistress is a beautiful and dark lady from France producing some stunning Gothic work
Check out her gallery