Saturday, November 05, 2005

Quite Interesting

I Love this program so much. It has me crying with laughter every time.
It is also the perfect platform for Mr Fry.
It's entertaining and educational.

These are some of the bits I found interesting:
Did you know that during WW2 (I think) "We" were using radar to shoot down German planes. So as not to tip them off and to seem more impressive, how it was really done was kept a secret. The government then hit on a great idea to get kids eating more vedge (hang on, aren't they still doing that ?!), said that carrots helped you see in the dark. Now we all know this and were probably told it by our parents. It is however a complete fallacy! Totally made up. Just another load of Bunkum the government fed us (no pun intended) to get us to do what they felt we should. Now I believe that eating vedge is a good thing but lying is no way to achieve anything.
(Even tho that seems to be exactly what the government are doing, and getting away with it!)
For more interesting Qi carrots facts and fiction go here
There are more molecules in a glass of water than there are grains of sand on the entire planet!
"The Laughing Cavalier was on cannabis"
Well the canvas it was painted on was made of hemp. And the word canvas comes from the Greek meaning cannabis.
For more Qi cannabis related interest go here
How many senses do we have? -Five with that elusive sixth sense.
We do in fact have about twenty one
These include things like feeling heat, position of arms and legs, fullness of bladder, feeling heat and pain. Sense of balance.
Wikipedia sais
Qi chat sais

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