Friday, October 01, 2010
"Serotonin cell discoveries mean rethink of depression "
New Scientists latest...sort of
"If you thought depression was caused by low serotonin levels, think again. It looks as if the brain chemistry of a depressed person is much more complex, [No really!] with mounting evidence suggesting that too much serotonin in some brain regions is to blame.
If correct, it might explain some of the negative side-effects associated with selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs), antidepressants like Prozac which increase the amount of the neurotransmitter serotonin in some parts of the brain..."
Read the full article Here
I am not going to rant on about how dangerous or useless drugs can be or how the pharmaceutical companies are making mass profits, covering up negative study trials and have a hold over the health system meaning that people are often not getting the treatment they need, or how the lack or proper support and treatment is destroying millions of lives unnecessarily.
Ok just a mini rant!
Ok just a mini rant!
But this has been known it seems for some 18Years!!! (read the comment below the article)
The 1997 article suggest the findings be used in the "molecular mechanism of prescribed antidepressant drugs".
And so it should have.
Damn those pharmaceutical companies
Perhaps now some progress in really tackling mental health problems can be made.
A more personalised care plan can be created and medications will only be used when absolutely necessary and alongside treatments like talking therapies (I hate that description) as they should have been all along! And hopefully with a more personalised approach to medication there will be less people suffering with side effects or worse suicide.
Well we can dream
A more personalised care plan can be created and medications will only be used when absolutely necessary and alongside treatments like talking therapies (I hate that description) as they should have been all along! And hopefully with a more personalised approach to medication there will be less people suffering with side effects or worse suicide.
Well we can dream
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
An insight
Perhaps there is a God
Neil Gaiman is doing an episode of Doctor Who!!!
I can not express how excited I am
My mind is quite literally Blown!
"I don't know what it's like to be God - obviously," Gaiman said in an interview with the BBC. "Until that very first moment when you get to sit down and type the words in your script: INTERIOR. TARDIS
Bring on 2011
Thursday, September 09, 2010
Fun with the Law
Mark Thomas has some fun with the police and the laws of video footage
I love the way he does things calmly and with a smile
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Sexiest Male Act Ever!
I have never seen a male show that has actually turned me on.
This on the other hand is Something else entirely!
David O'mer is sex on silks
It is also a first rate Web/Silk work act and a wonderful use of a bath
And just for a closer glimpse
La Clique is definately a show I would love to see when they next come back to Britain.
A multitude of wonderful acts
"A heady cocktail of cabaret, new burlesque, circus sideshow and contemporary variety"
I will also look out for their featured acts on tour as well.
A wonderful night out me thinks
Sunday, August 01, 2010
'Swiss Army knife' bathroom
"It looks like an art installation inspired by a hi-tech corkscrew or Swiss army penknife.
But this is no ornament or sculpture. It is, in fact, the world's first fold-up vertical bathroom.
Called the Vertebrae"
Read more Here
This is so cool.
A wonderful mixture of practicality, technology and design.
I love gadgets and in particular space saving innovations. I would definitely have like to have had this on my boat. Or as a way of adding an en-suite to a guest room.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Greg Laswell - Your ghost NEW SONG
This was the song I originally sought
Somewhat maudlin, but beatuiful
Beautifully haunting
and somehow comforting
You know...I think I could go for being a "Doll" for a while...
You know...I think I could go for being a "Doll" for a while...
If it wasn't for the pervy clients and hideous corporate greed of the company running things
I worship the WhedonVerse and although Dollhouse is not my favourite work of his (Firefly obviously!), it is clever, interesting and certainly brings up many, often awkward, ideas.
And many ideas Joss was unable to pursue due to he networks control-Boo!
I recommend watching it through the two seasons, it gets really good at the end.
I came across this just now while searching for another song on the show.
Dollhouse Music Video with Jonatha Brooke
What skills would you want...?
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Carnival Of Wonders
Via the talent that is Warren Ellis
ITG Productions present
Carnival of Wonders
Such a beautiful video
Like the old style Macabre Circus's
Reminds me of when I nearly ran of with the Circus
This is probably the best lady in box trick I've seen
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Super Cool Robot
This is one of the cleverest robots I have seen to date
The way it moves does give me the willies though
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Katgiraffe gives you Boob emoticons
Perfect Boobs (o)(o)
Fake Silicone Boobs ( + )( + )
Perky Boobs (*)(*)
Big Nipple Boobs (@)(@)
A Cups...
"Tattoos and Piercings May Advertise Good Health"
copyright katgiraffe
"Tattoos and body piercings—common worldwide since ancient times—may exist because they effectively advertise robust health and good genes to potential mates, a study proposes"
Read full article...
from: scienceoxfordonline
(click on lady with piercing)
Sunday, April 25, 2010
The Wonders of The Universe

"About 1,500 galaxies are visible in this deep view of the universe, taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. The image covers an area of sky only about width of a dime viewed from 75 feet away."

"Eight-Burst" Nebula
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
South Park creators warned over Muhammad depiction
The posting gave details about a home Stone and Parker reportedly co-own.
It also listed the addresses of their production office in California and the New York office of South Park's broadcaster, Comedy Central.
"This is not a threat, but a warning of the reality of what will likely happen to them," it added.
World gone Mad
South Park takes the piss out of everyone and everything
This kind of reaction is totally over the top and only serves to encourage and incite violence.
It also gives Muslims a bad name.
It also shows Budda snorting cocaine, can't wait to see it!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Porn for the Blind
This came up on "Have I Got News For You?" and I had to look it up
It's not exactly what I would call sexy! But it is a start.
I had never thought about this before, despite working with and knowing visually impaired people. But it's an obvious idea now, and I hope that people will be inspired to produce more work.
Porn for all!
(except children)
Produced by photographer Lisa Murphy
"We live in a society that is much sexualized - just look at advertising," she said by telephone from her Toronto home. "But if you can't see then you are probably not aware of how sexualized it is."
"And I believe that vision-impaired people have been (wrongly) left out of the experience."
"Or course, anyone can find it erotic, not just the vision-impaired," Murphy added.
The book, entitled "Tactile Mind," features pages made of thermoform plastic - the same material used for Braille.
Each page contains raised images of naked men and women in various poses, some wearing masks or in suggestive bondage, along with titillating phrases in Braille.
I also came across this site while searching it
I didn't hang around long as the walls are very thin here!
Let me know what you find
-I know you're going to look-
-I know you're going to look-
Saturday, April 17, 2010
How to Feel Happy
I watched an old show of his the other week and this recent one tonight.
He is absolutely brilliant
We would have a much better world if he were President
My cheeks and sides are sore, my belly is warm and my spirits lifted
I highly recommend you watch it
Friday, March 12, 2010
Books have the same enemies as people: fire, humidity, animals, weather, and their own content.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Extreme sex avoidence!
Do female guppies risk their lives to avoid sex?
"Sexual harassment is a burden that females of many species face, and some may go to extreme lengths to avoid it. Female guppies might risk their lives to avoid too much attention from males, venturing into the deep water where the predators lurk, where it is just too dangerous for the males to follow."
They would rather face suicide than an overly aggresive or genetically inferior males!
I have to say that I can relate.
What lengths have you gone to to avoid the undesired?
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Great Pacific Garbage Patch
When I think about the sea it brings to mind many things...
Sometimes these!
Certainly not this!
Or this...
My friend N told me about it and the "Plastiki" Expedition trying to raise awareness
I was shocked that this mass garbage dump existed and that -oh who am I kidding- I was not shocked that it had not made it into the news. It not only stretches throughout most of the pacific ocean, it gathers in large "Islands" (6). Breaking up into smaller and smaller peices that mix in with all levels of the food chain, including us.
This issue has been known about for years.
Makes you think twice about that fish supper
What can we do...?
What can we do...?
- Google it
- Check out the pictures, videos and websites
- Tell your friends
- and try to do your bit for Our Planet
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Handsome Cat
In Loving memory of Handsome Cat.
Left us 03.02.10
He rests in peace and good company
The best cat I have ever known
Life will not be the same without you
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
"Why settle for a postcard of the Mona Lisa, when you could have a hand-carved leaf engraved with her mysterious face? Making art with leaves isn’t a new idea, but several online purveyors have taken the medium to a new level. Offering up intricately cut images of everything from landscapes to the female form to even Napoleon – yes, you can have the face of the famous emperor cut into a leaf and framed - sustainable art just got a little more interesting."
I love this. I don't know how they do it but it looks fantastic. They must be very patient.
Yet another gem form "Inhabit"
I could just keep adding stuff to my blog from there but I will try to stop now.
Go look for yourselves
New Tech Love
"Want to pretend you’re in a sci-fi movie? The Waveface Ultra can help. Asus’ conceptual OLED wristband doubles as a piece of jewelry and an ultra high-tech smartphone. No word on a release date, but information junkies are sure to be waiting with baited breath."
Me Wants!
I Love new tech, I am an out and proud Geek.
If I had the money I would have all sorts of clever, usefull, entertaining and just plain sexy stuff.
I do worry however about the ecological side of all these things. They often use some rather nasty chemicals and materials that do not break down and leach out into the environment. Also, as new tech gets replaced by even new tech the old ones get left in drawers and cupboards, handed on to someone else if they're lucky or in the worst cases-binned. And much of the materials can be reclaimed, so can the tech inside.
Also, although the western world may be able to keep up with this fast paced and expensive materialism, there are many (most) that can not. Including myself. I remember the first "Palm" I had, it was such a joy and so very clever, it was a hand me down from a friend, and now has passed on to someone else. It is now though almost obsolete, many mobiles phones do much of what my little "Palm" did.
So I was very pleased to be routed via a friend to the site "inhabitat". It is full of ingenious and eco ideas covering a whole spectrum of topics.
Go check it out and I can garantee you will find something that appeals.
The eco-undies...well need I say more!
Monday, February 01, 2010
Computer games don't affect kids, I mean if Pac Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching pills and listening to repetitive music.
- Marcus Brigstocke
- Marcus Brigstocke
Saturday, January 30, 2010
"The Phone Problem"
I remember my uncle having one of the early "Car Phones"
It was a like a briefcase
My first phone was a hand me down from a friend many years back. It was basic -it made calls!- chunky and the battery went flat fast, but living on the canal it was a useful lifeline.
Oh my how times have changed. -Hoorah!
I now still lagg somewhat behind the wonderful glittering tech that is out there. It is not for lack of want, oh how I love new tech wrapped up in sleek, shiny packaging. However living in an oddly dead zone for mobiles I can not justify the upgrade I would like...
But do I follow the crowd and join the iphone populace or go for some of the other tasties out there?
I am after all looking, not just for a clever phone but a mini computer; to access my virtual world, keep me in touch with my friends, work and basically manage my life!
For now I make do with a rather nifty, curvacios little phone and my stallwart PDA. My phone is ace! Beautiful scrolling writing within the phone, telling you who's callling, messages, what music's playing etc.
Plus it doubles as my alarm clock radio while it charges.
I look forward, however, to the day I move and can indulge my geeky, magpie side and have just One all-in-one gadjet.
Don't worry cliff I still use the good old paper and pen everyday to write,
but I do also write a lot on my pda.
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