Friday, March 31, 2006

Fingertip Heaven

I'm doomed!

I have now found a new "Toy" that I want!
And I really thought I was done with gadgets (for a while).
I've just got myself a great new handheld comp that I love and am still finding new and exciting things to do with it.
But the other day I had a go on the PSP and I am hooked!
I honestly thought that I wouldn't really like it (any of the handheld gaming consoles). What's wrong with me you say? What an idiot I am, I say!
I figured that the images wouldn't be that great for gaming and that it would be tricky to get the controls working well. How wrong I was.
It is wonderful, it feels great, looks great, the layout of controls works wonderfully (although my little hands have a slight difficulty with using the joystick and L button at the same time). The image quality is phenomenal, I'm crap at writing reviews so I'll just say that the PSP kicks ass, it is a thing of beauty and perfection. Oh, and I want one!
In my defense I hadn't really looked into them that much (partly to avoid wanting one). And now that I've had a go, I'm totally on board.
I will not be rushing out to get one however. They are still rather pricy, I have just spent a small fortune on my PDA and some stuff for the house and computer, and I already have loads of distractions that keep me from my work so I really shouldn't add to them.
So I will content myself with the use of this one for a week, but it' s gonna be a wrench giving it back!

1 comment:

Hobbit's Journal said...

You're not borrowing mine !!!