My Wishlist
Or "I wish" list
My birthday is approaching fast, too fast.
And it's the big three oh!
I'm not really freaked out by turning 30 or getting older, although I am annoyed that I can't have the big party I'd like, but circumstances and as I managed to lose a year of my life somehow instead of turning 29 this year with ages to organise a big bash, I'm turning 30 in just a few days.
And for once I decided to write a wish list, more for ideas and fun rather than actully expecting to get these things.
And besides I've left it far too late
For those that don't know me and have no intention of getting me anything this will give you a glimpse into my world and my interests
So first
Proper Kick ass boots
My birthday is approaching fast, too fast.
And it's the big three oh!
I'm not really freaked out by turning 30 or getting older, although I am annoyed that I can't have the big party I'd like, but circumstances and as I managed to lose a year of my life somehow instead of turning 29 this year with ages to organise a big bash, I'm turning 30 in just a few days.
And for once I decided to write a wish list, more for ideas and fun rather than actully expecting to get these things.
And besides I've left it far too late
For those that don't know me and have no intention of getting me anything this will give you a glimpse into my world and my interests
So first
Proper Kick ass boots
These will be my pressy to myself
I don't have to extol the virtues of the digital camera, it speaks for itself.
And I need one! Preferbly this one as it's compact and not too pricy.
And suprisingly it's from Tesco!

A few years ago it was pointed out to me that I had quite a collection of Tomb Raider figures as well as some other figurines and some cardboard cutouts. This is not something I planned, I was given one as a present and then another, before I knew it I looked like a complete Tomb Raider fetish, when in actual fact it's just a part time fetish!
Now I've decided to add to my figurines but want to keep the tradition going of getting them as presents, it makes sure I dont look too sad if someone else gets it!

Spike "Just Rewards"

Vampire Willow

Sad or silly perhaps, but I like them and I think their fun!
To enable easier Tequila quaffing

Petrol pump dispenser
and for Tequila on the move...

Hip flask kit
For gaming fun...

Oxford Monopoly

Or Simpsons Cluedo
I have always collected boxes and have wanted this one since I saw it 18yrs ago
It's the king of puzzle box's

Puzzle Box
I love kite flying and this is great for instant fun as it's so small you can take it everywhere and whip it out if the weather's right

Pocket Kite
Those that know me know that I love bubbles and this buble machine is cute and I have to put it together so it's double fun

Bubble Blower

Now how cute is he!
You plug him into your tune player and he dances for you, he also grows a personality depending on what music you play and how you treat him.
I'm intrigued to see how my influence effects it.
Ok and now I'm really into the realm of fantasy
I came across this the other day and fell instantly in love

What is it?
It's a mini portable projector keyboard!
Oh yeah baby
Ok back to reality
Other things I would like are: a new mug (normal size not giant) with some suitable design and colour.
And a wine glass with equaly suitable colour ie purple or deep red
Any pampering stuff is always appreciated
as will nice chocolate
Or red earings
Hope that helps or inspires those who are stuck for what to get
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