What is the world comming to?
I was shocked to hear on newsnight that the London Planetarium is to close.
Especially as it is to make room for an extension of Madam Tousauds Clebrity show!
I'm lucky enough to live out in the sticks and so get to see the stars in all their glory, free from the orange glow of the cities.
I have always had a fascination and love of the night sky.
I remember as a child looking up and realizing how small and insignificant we are while at the same time are a part of an incredible and vast world. That every star is another sun like ours, many with orbiting planets, all coming together to form galaxy's and we are just one of thousands.
I also remember the feeling when, looking up at the milky way, I realised that I was looking out along the spiral of our own galaxy. It humbled me and inspired me.
How lucky we are that we have access to such knowledge.
So to hear that a wonderful beautiful and educational experience is about to be lost is awful, especially as so little is being said about it. Even the newsnight site had nothing listed about it, strange as they had said to go online and coment on it. The BBC did have a brief article, quoting Sir Patrick Moore as saying that it was "most regretable"-a prize goes to this as a major understatement, I doubt he was quite so reserved.
I found only one other mention here
So please, everyone, go out tonight and look up at the stars, see which constelations you can name, look for the milky way. And remember that just the other day a planet was found that could be very similair to ours.
Don't let us lose the Planetarium for us and future generations.
Especially not for more celebrity nonsense
Write in your blogs, write to the papers, the news and especially the governement. Don't let it slip away quietly, smothered by the lights of celebrity.
And if your in London get down to the Planetarium, you wont regret it.
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