Saturday, February 04, 2006

I'm back...partially

I can not believe that it has been so long since my last post. What the hell happened?
Well I have been very busy, in fact pretty hectic.
Plus my computer was seriously under the weather.

I have so much to say and to comment on I don't know where to begin, or even wether to bother.
I think things to be neat and ordered.
For my writing to go in date order, but if I try to write up everything I want, in order I won't ever catch up with myself. And this is blocking me from writing.
So I've decided to just start writing again. This is just a quick hello and to let you know that there is plenty to come.
I will write about some of the more fun and interesting things that have happened, in my life and the world. so stay tuned.

There's my funtastic New Year filled with great company, tequila, flirting, corsets, laughter, psycho's and stalkers! And of course a little anxt.
There is definately a change in the air...
I've had Tow Miracles happen already this year, especially amazing as my life is usually filled with lots and lots of bad stuff.
Something lost has been found!
And something long buried is rising.
Oportunities abound
And I feel that fun is around the corner...

I hope that I can get back into some regular routines including keeping up to date with my blog. And some new technology in my life should help the situation.

Broadband is promised at the end of the month. I really hope it does get here, I can't stand dial up anymore, there's too much I want to do!

That's all for now folks


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