Friday, November 20, 2009

Oh Wow!

This is gonna be legen... wait for it... dary!

I stumbled across the sublime odditiy that is "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog" and I am so glad that I did.
It is from the wonderful and brilliant genes of the Whedon clan.
It's cooky, clever, funny and leaves you wanting more.

And Please let there be more.

It can not be streamed from the official website -what is wrong with the world! Joss Whedon has a large fan base of Brits and others around the world. However it can be found (not the best quality).

I urge you to rush out and buy it

Warmth in the Winter

I am in my red mood at the moment.
Here is a lovely fractal flower from DeviantArt
My latest wallpaper

I am back again

I keep saying I will be back and regularly post.

Yet again I am saying the same thing. Seems to be a yearly thing.

I may not be regular but I WILL BE BACK

I Promise!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Friday, March 13, 2009

Oh Bliss

All is right in the world.
(OK slight overstatement)
But behold...

I loved Oscar Wilde's children's stories as a child, although I was totally unaware he was the author until my adult life.
My favourite was "The Happy Prince", even though it made me cry.
It is a beautiful story, all of his are.
So now to find that the wonderful Stephen Fry has voiced them is a true joy to behold. I am very happy indeed.
And although I know that I will weep when my disc arrives I will enjoy remembering my mother reading these stories to me.

Fry's site
is also well worth a visit. He Blogs and Twitters constantly.
I salute you sir!
And thank you for all the joy you have brought me over the years.
Long may it continue.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

When all else fails...

The Visual Affirmation is not working as I'd hope.
This usually does the trick.
Stunning and Motivating

(Watch in High Quality)


Saturday, March 07, 2009


DeviantArt is where I go for pretty much all my image needs.
To collect beautiful images, or use as wallpaper, but mainly inspiration , and a great way to spend some time..

Nature Finds A Way by Aeires

This is my usual wallpaper - I love it so much.
Plus it brings some greenery into the room during winter.

This is my motivational one. To remind me that I am a Fire Dragon in the Chinese Zodiac. I don't have to be so scared all the time.

Fire Dragon By Vladstudio

I can not recomend it enough.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009


Life has never really been "normal" for me.
Recently "Life" has been praying on my mind a lot.
And been brought into sharp focus
Not pretty.

I've thought a lot about life and death
What it means to be living
What it means to die.

What my life is truly about
And is it all worth it?

At the moment it does not feel that way.
My friends and journalling have helped some.
I hope it feels better soon.

Another tool I have found very helpful recently is Deviantart
So here is something that kind of fits

Life and Death by Liol

I'm Back...I Hope

I can't believe it's been so long since my last post!
I know I've not been the best blogger but still.

I have been very ill and dealing with a lot, hence the - ridiculously - long absence.

I hope to improve and be back posting regularly.

Stay tuned...
